Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Men are Creeps

So there I was...fresh off of eating my first BBQ of the season, waiting for my friend to get to my place, when I thought, "Self, why don't you do a little blogging about your latest "love" story. It's time you told your audience what they want to hear." By "audience" I mean one of my friends who keeps pestering me, and by "wants to hear" I mean she was bored.  Whatever the logistics are, I was excited to start what I have already decided would be a three part mini-series on my latest endeavors. Yes, you heard me correctly.  There is a mini-series coming at ya red hot.  And why not?  They seem to be all the rage nowadays.  The Bible even has one for goodness sake.  #Godnesssake?  However, my series won't be filled with quite so much battle.  #justasmallpercentage

Back to why men are creeps.  I had just typed the title of the Act 1 when I got a text.  Thinking it was my friend who was arriving any minute, I casually looked up from my keyboard.  Instead of my friend's name I was staring straight at the name of the main character from the mini-series.  Mind you, as my loyal readers you might not know how cray cray this actually is because, let's be honest, you haven't read Act Tres yet...but I will save you some suspense and tell you I haven't talked to Mr. Main Character in two months.  And then Bazinga! Bazanga! Boom and pow! He all of a sudden decides to show his dapper face?  Hence my title of Men are Creeps.  How in God's creation did he know that I was writing about him?  

Is there a hidden camera at my place?

Am I getting punked?  

I'm pretty sure the answer is yes to both.  

I couldn't even go on to writing about this episode in my life because I was too busy talking to my friend about the sixth sense men have.  They always pop back into your life right before you shut the door on them completely.  Touche men.  Touche.  

Alas, my story will have to wait for another day.  I am sorry loyal readers (Reader).  

PS No joke after I dropped my friend off tonight, about three hours after I got a text from Mr. Two Month Chump, I got another text from the MOST recent guy I have started talking to.  I also thought he was dead in the water since he hadn't called/text me back.  Of course, I was talking to my friend tonight about how this "courtship" ended before it even began (don't worry, there is a blog in the works about this guy too) when all of a sudden BOOM BAM POW.  The man strolls back into my life like nothing ever happened.  Go figure.  Men....I just can't figure them out.  #orcanI

Stay tuned for the best mini-series since Katie Holmes played Jackie O. on the History Channels version of The Kennedys. #whocastthat? #anyonewouldhavebeenbetter

Until then...


  1. YES! so glad you are back. This was a great surprise at work this evening. Cant wait for the next part of the series.

  2. I am dying I am LOL so hard! The only thing that would make this better is pazzo's and a pitcher of cider! Don't think I am above breaking out the cider at work right now!

  3. Well, seeing an update from C.S. pretty much made my day! Cannot WAIT to read the miniseries!
