Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Men Improvement Plan

Last week I was presented with my first M.I.P.  No, not minor in possession (been there, done that) but my first Men Improvement Plan.  This plan is based off of what Special Education students receive to improve their learning (an IEP Individual Education Plan).  I guess my friend thought I was two standard deviations below my grade level when it comes to men.  Evidently, I am Special Ed in this subject and need a plan...immediately. 

DMP (Dating Measure of Progress)

4- Exceeds standard

3- At standard

2- Approaching standard

1- Not at Standard

Results:  1 Not at standard

Strengths- on a dating website, went on a blind date

Weaknesses- on a dating website, eager texter (patience is a virtue), not enough "dates" too many late night calls, # deleter and adder which causes memorization of numbers

Trends, Issues, Concerns...

Needs to have patience, give a guy time to pursue, stop over texting, stop deleting numbers, NEED MORE PRACTICE

Growth goal-  Join a real website and try for guys who actually "pay" for their dating service, date someone closer to your city

A big thanks to my friend for providing this pure piece of gold and hilariousness! 

If anyone wants to add to my M.I.P. please feel free.  This is a working document.

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