Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January 8th, 2011

You know when you have a day that you will remember for the rest of your life? That is how I feel about January 8th of last year. Yes, four days from now will mark the one year anniversary of this day that will forever live in my mind. Why is this such an interesting day? Welp, keep on reading my friend and you will surely see the gloriousness unfold.

It all started with a fistful of friends and a local bar. That's right my was Playoff time and my Seahawks had made it, but barely! As any good and loyal supporter would, I started my morning at a local Seattle bar to get liquored up...I mean pumped up for a great NFL showdown. This time the Seahawks were playing the mighty mighty Saints. Things were not looking good. #understatement So, there I was at the bar...ok, nothing really happened to make January 8th, 2011 an epic adventure at the bar, but I needed to set up the rest of my story and a bar is always a good place to start.

Side note: Have you ever had an entire bar that is packed full of boozy NFL fans boo at you? No? I have. My friend decided to make bff's with a Saints fan while he was on the way to the loo (that is British speak for potty). While they were getting all chummy the rest of the bar was getting angry. And then they booed. It wasn't great.

Ok back to my original story. We finished at our favorite Seahawks bar, gave a fond farewell to our glorious waitress and headed to the game. Yada yada yada Lynch made the best play in life and the Seahawks pulled off the big W! You can't yada yada the best part. No, I mentioned Lynch's run. (That was a HORRIBLE attempt to recreate a classic Seinfield moment, I apologize). This game is ranked in the top 10 moments of my life. It was ridiculous. I may or may not have cried two to four times during it. When Lynch made that run I literally thought our section was going to collapse, but all I kept on thinking is, "What a way to go." #12thman

That game made January 8th, 2011 a forever memory, but what happened afterwards made it a ridiculous story. After the game my friends and I kept on celebrating at a couple more adult establishments until I realized an important detail I had forgotten. I had a bachelorette party to go to that night. Looking at my watch I realized I had about 45 minutes to get to this party for dinner and dancing. 45 minutes seemed like ample amount of time. Until I realized what I was wearing. I had no less than 32 layers on (it's cold in January), a jersey, and my Day Pack. Another side bar: my Day Pack is my most prized possession. This is a small backpack that I got from REI. It resembles a CamelBak(or so people keep on telling me). My friends make fun of me endlessly about my Day Pack but to them I say, "How does it feel to have to be carrying a bulky purse?" I win. My friends have also started knicknaming my backpack. My favorite is suitor satchel.

No problem. I could close my tab, change my clothes, and get to the party on time. Anything was possible. Reminder: Seahawks had JUST taken down the Saints. #invincible #imnotaseahawk So, I said hasta luego to my friends and grabbed a cab. I had Mr. 'No I will Not Make Out With You (ok Maybe Later)' drop me off at the local Ross Dress for Less. That's right folks. I was that girl. I walked into that establishement as a Seahawks fan and walked out dressed to the nines. #lies. But, I did manage to buy two dresses (just in case I didn't like one...obvious), a belt, and some shoes. The ladies at the store were nice enough to let me change in the dressing room and they even gave me an extra bag to put all of my stuff in #32layers. I thought I was doing well until I realized the shoes I had bought did not fit when I didn't have 12 layers of socks on. So, I had to walk barefoot to the counter, return my big shoes, and then get another pair. Needless to say I was a sight for sore eyes. The cashier was sad to see me go, I'm sure.

  Off I went. With my three bags and my new dress. Mind you, the dress I picked out was straight out of an Ann Taylor magazine. It was not suitable for a downtown nightclub, but at this point I could have cared less. After following my GPS on my phone I finally found the party. I dropped the three bags in the corner of our private room in the club and proceeded to celebrate my wonderful friends marriage.

Was that the end of January 8th, 2011? Oh no sir. Fast forward to about 11 pm. The dancing was just picking up, and I was Remember, I had started this day at a bar. Lots of bar time equals one tired NFL/Bachelorette going girl. I am old. Anyway, my friend who was rested and ready to party showed up at the bar. Her idea of fun was dancing the night away. That idea sounded as fun as getting booed by a whole bar full of Seahawks fans...again. So, I concocted a plan. I would go dance with her for half a song, find the nearest man that looked like her type, hook them up, and leave as quick as possible. The strategy worked and I was left alone for a fabulous ten minutes. That's when I met him.

Who is he you wonder? Is he your Prince Charming? Did you finally find the man you've been looking for?

You will have to wait for my next post to find out. But, let me give you a little preview. This man did offer to carry my three bags full of Seahawks gear out of the club. This was great for two reasons: 1. I didn't have to look like a fool with three Ross bags at a nightclub and B. I was exhausted. Until next time let's all remember to celebrate the anniversary of the greatest day of all time. January 8th, 2011.

  PS- It also happens to be my dearest friends birthday. Happy Birthday friend!


  1. 1. you blogging again made my day
    2. recalling that night doubly made my day
    3. my birthday getting a shout our made my week
    4. i adore your face

    1. Hmmmm . . . I thought it was a birthday shout out for mush . . . :)

  2. Loved the Seinfield reference! So glad you are blogging again!
